От Sergey
К полковник Рюмин  
Дата 01.10.2001 04:07:07
Рубрики Прочее;

Re (2): О наблюдающих и вынюхивающих

> Антисемитизм в современной Америке является формой противостояния растленной и античеловеческой иудейско-масонской цивилизации. Даже простой перечень причин, из-за которых американцы не любят евреев, свидетельствует о том, что, хотя и в “замороженном” виде, духовные ценности Нового Завета продолжают жить в душах некоторой части американцев. Доля антисемитов в американском обществе почти совпадает с долей лиц, не принимающих “традиционных американских (т.е. иудейских) ценностей” (от 30 до 40%).
    Look, are you serious? Have you ever been in the United States? Surely there are always groups of people who are crazy of other nations, and I don't advise you to walk in the black districts of huge cities, but... You know, what you write is so far from what is going on in the minds of common Americans. Generally, they are so careful about anything connceted with national or any other status, that it is not even dreamt about such ways in Russia nowadays. And I am not sure that it will, in the more or less nearest future. Honestly, most of Americans don't care about what Jews are doing, and even if somebody holds scepticism about Jews' religious viewpoints, it is very far from what is usually said in Russia about all that, and to say that «американцы не любят евреев» is to exaggerate the real situation entirely. You may say that you just used the materials of Smelser's book, but Smelser himself never says that the methods of getting that information are absolute, and he just depicts what kind of results are got using that kind of asking technology. And anyway, I underline once more, to say «американцы не любят евреев» and «Russians не любят евреев» is to say ultimately different things, because the verb «не любят» someone differes in Russia and America as night and day.
    I don't pretend to declare my opinion as something extremely right, I just share with you about what I see right now, and I live in the United States for 6 years, you know. So. Excuse me for that I write in English, I occasionally have my Russian keyboard broken now. Sergey