От Андрей О.
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Дата 04.02.2003 00:28:07
Рубрики Прочее;

Если не в облом

> You know I had problem like you have now-
> I knew English better than 'Staroslavyansky'
> And I couldn't find any church like you now-
> But as I -thank God improved my  'Staroslavyansky'
> I do not desperately need to attend English servises
> so Alas I cannot help you -there might be no churches
> with servises in English-but you can contact me anyway
> for some help- I too live in Moscow
>  As ever in the Lord,
>   Maxim
Уважаемый Максим!
Could you do a favor to me? I am trying to improve my skills as a translator but sometimes an advice from a native speaker would be most valuable. I feel I put too many articles in my Russian-to-English translation and, perhaps, do smth else not so good. Would you have time to take a look at one page of text? I will be most appreciative.
Во Христе,
раб Божiй Андрей