От Игорь_Ш
К Администрация  
Дата 14.07.2000 17:17:33
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Re (2): Письмо америкаского журналиста Дэйва Томаса

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Dear Igor,
The Eurasian ideology sounds very interesting.  I've never heard about it before, but that's not surprising.  All I've ever heard in school and in the amerikan mass-media is anti-Russian propaganda.  Because of the amerikan terrorization of Yugoslavia, I now know that it is >>amerika<< which is the evil empire, not Russia.  Now I don't believe all the lies which this evil amerikan empire tells endlessly.
For the stronger to protect the weak certainly is a superior morality.
Here in amerika, we actually have a secretly barbarian culture.  amerika is a barbarian culture which likes to think of itself as the most «sophisticated» and"civilized" culture.  But money and power are the only things the average amerikan truly respects.  I don't think that's very sophisticated or civilized!
That is almost funny the way the Pope has sold indulgences to people! I'm amazed at how shamelessly corrupt and evil the Catholic church has been for centuries!  The Catholic church is the first corporate religion.  There has never been any love in the heart of the Vatican, only the lust for money and power.  (Just like in amerika.)  That's why the Vatican and the Nazis were such close allies.  (I didn't know until recently that Adolf Hitler was a Catholic!)  And that's why the Vatican is a close conspirator with amerika since the end of WWII.
I am just learning all these things for the first time in this last year! I only found out recently that it was Russia that did most of the work to defeat the Nazi Germans!  I only recently heard about the battle of Kursk — the biggest land battle in world history!  In school here they always said amerika was the greatest hero of the war. The Russians were almost ignored in the amerikan history books, as if they played a far less important role!
If I didn't have a connection to the internet I wouldn't be able to find out the truth about my own country!
Your friend,
Dave Thomas