От Александр
К Александр
Дата 18.05.2005 13:50:41
Рубрики Современность; Униформа;

Re: Что происходит...

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Canadian Press

Monday, May 16, 2005

Greek-Orthodox Patriarch Irineos I attends a reception at the Israeli Presidency celebrating Israel's Independence Day in Jerusalem May 12, 2005. (AP/Pier Paolo Cito)


JERUSALEM (AP) - Greek Orthodox Patriarch Irineos, under pressure to resign for his alleged role in a controversial land deal, filed a complaint with Israeli police Sunday alleging a former aide swindled the church out of millions, the patriarch said in a statement.

Irineos has been under attack over a deal in which church property in east Jerusalem was leased to a Jewish group.

Such land transactions, while legal, are politically explosive because Palestinians see them as abetting Jews in their efforts to expand their presence in east Jerusalem, one of the disputed territories captured in 1967. Palestinians consider that sector of the city as the capital of their future state, while Jews claim the entire city as their eternal capital.

Irineos filed a complaint Sunday against Nikos Papadimas, the former church financial officer who signed the controversial real estate deal before vanishing four months ago, Irineos said in a statement.

Papadimas is wanted in Greece after church officials in Athens accused him of fleeing with the equivalent of about $1 million Cdn in church funds. His wife is wanted on separate charges of money laundering. Separately, a European arrest warrant has been issued for Papadimas.

The statement said Papadimas obtained power of attorney by "trickery," saying it was needed to renew the lease of a store. Instead he "went ahead in leasing agreements for buildings in the old city, while receiving a down payment of up to $ 2.5 million."

Papadimas then "misappropriated" $1.25 million of patriarchy funds, the statement said, also accusing him of "suspicions of money laundering."

Irineos has faced intense pressure to resign over the deal.

Last week the Jordanian government and Palestinian authorities withdrew their recognition of Irineos and the Israeli government signalled a hands-off policy, moves both seen as sealing the fate of the patriarch, who is holed up in his apartment at the patriarchate, refusing to resign. The Greek government also strongly indicated that Irineos should quit.

© The Canadian Press 2005

Таким образом, от Патриарха отвернулись:
- его паства;
- его соотечественники;
- власти территорий, входящих в его юрисдикцию (Иордании и Палестины).
Нет реакции только от Израиля. Знает кошка, чье мясо съела?
Страшно все это, господа...