От Андрей
К Лев
Дата 06.10.2000 08:57:12
Рубрики Прочее;


> Замечательная ссылка!
> Окончательно расставляет все точки над «i» таки сакраментальная фраза
> Charles Strom`a, director`f of medical genetics at the Illinois Masonic Medical Center:
> «This provides a way for parents to have healthy children and — without any risk to the child — use the child to save the life of a child that is already born.» he said.  
> Тут уж не «Снявши голову...», а «Лес рубят...»
Так он еще и соврал. Не USE THE CHILD, а USE 15 CHILD!
см. Life spokesman Kevin Male added: «Adam was the fifteenth embryo created which meant fourteen people were killed before him. In essence a white coated technician brought this human being into the world simply as a means to an end.»